As received from the permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN, dated 26 July, 2017, below is the notice required invitation of the applications from qualified institutions to conduct a research study on “Economic diversification of LLDCs: Case of Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan and Paraguay.”
Re: Application Invited for Research for Study from ITT for LLDC& UNDP from the newly established LLDC Think Tank(ITT) stationed in Ulaanbaatar. The ITT for LLDCs and UNDP have invited applications from qualified institutions to conduct a research study on “Economic diversification of LLDCs: case of Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan Paraguay”. Details of this notice can be obtained from
The TOR is abailable at
The ITT was established with the support of G-77 Perez Guerrero Trust Fund, for the establishment of which Nepal had lent its support including a modest financial contribution.
As this study could be useful for Nepal in identifying some of the issues regarding its status as an LLDC, interested and qualified research institutions may apply. The deadline is August 8.
International Think Tank for LLDCs
UN House
United Nations Street-14
Sukhbaatar District
Ulaanbaatar 14201