Project/ Program

S.No Project/ Program Budget Code Sector Sub Sector Priority Strategic Pillar Gender Code SDG Code Poverty Alllivation Climate Code
1 आर्थिक तथ्यांक विकास कार्यक्रम 391102 Governance Planning and Statistics P2 Good Governance Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
2 जिल्ला तथ्यांक कार्यालयहरु 391014 Governance Planning and Statistics P1 General Administration Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
3 केन्द्रीय तथ्यांक विभाग 391013 Governance Planning and Statistics P1 General Administration Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
4 राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगको सचिवालय 391011 Governance Planning and Statistics P1 General Administration Indirect No Poverty Neutral Neutral
5 सार्वजनिक संस्थान सुधार कार्यक्रम 501170 Governance Ministry of Finance P2 Good Governance Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Poverty Minimization budget Neutral
6 पशुपालन (मासुजन्य र दुग्धजन्य) कर्जा तथा पशुधन कार्यक्रम 501166 Governance Ministry of Finance P1 Production Increase Indirect Zero Hunger Poverty Minimization budget Indirect
7 लगानी -विविध 501125 Governance Ministry of Finance P2 Good Governance Neutral Industry,Innovation and Infrastructure Poverty Minimization budget Neutral
8 नगरपालिका फोहोर व्यवस्थापन सुधार कार्यक्रम-टिडिएफ 305324 Governance Ministry of Finance P1 Social Development Neutral Sustainable cities and communities Neutral Direct
9 नगर बिकास कोष 305323 Governance Ministry of Finance P1 Infrastructure Developemnt Neutral Sustainable cities and communities Neutral Direct
10 कृषि तथा पशुपालन ब्याज अनुदान 305322 Governance Ministry of Finance P1 Production Increase Neutral Zero Hunger Poverty Minimization budget Neutral