Project/ Program

S.No Project/ Program Budget Code Sector Sub Sector Priority Strategic Pillar Gender Code SDG Code Poverty Alllivation Climate Code
1 राष्ट्रिय ऋण कमिशन 502006 Misc MOF-MISC P1 General Administration Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
2 विकास ऋण 502002 Misc MOF-MISC P1 General Administration Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
3 राष्ट्रिय बचत पत्र 502001 Misc MOF-MISC P1 General Administration Neutral No Poverty Neutral Neutral
4 संस्थागत सुदृढीकरण 216101 Constitutional Bodies Attorny General P1 Good Governance Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
5 विशेष सरकारी वकील कार्यालय 216014 Constitutional Bodies Attorny General P1 General Administration Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
6 जिल्ला सरकारी वकिल कार्यालयहरु 216013 Constitutional Bodies Attorny General P1 General Administration Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
7 पुनरावेदन सरकारी वकिल कार्यालयहरु 216012 Constitutional Bodies Attorny General P1 General Administration Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
8 महान्यायाधिवक्ताको कार्यालय 216011 Constitutional Bodies Attorny General P1 General Administration Neutral Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
9 राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोग (प्रशासनिक खर्च समेत) 214011 Constitutional Bodies Human Right Commission P1 General Administration Direct Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral
10 राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोग 214001 Constitutional Bodies Human Right Commission P1 General Administration Direct Peace Justice and Strong Institution Neutral Neutral