Project/ Program
S.No | Project/ Program | Budget Code | Sector | Sub Sector | Priority | Strategic Pillar | Gender Code | SDG Code | Poverty Alllivation | Climate Code |
1 | फैसला कार्यान्वयन निर्देशनालय | 204020 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
2 | श्रम अदालत | 204018 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
3 | राजस्व न्यायाधिकरण | 204017 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
4 | प्रशासकीय अदालत | 204016 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
5 | जिल्ला अदालतहरु | 204015 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
6 | विशेष अदालत | 204014 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
7 | पुनरावेदन अदालत मुकाम | 204013 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
8 | पुनरावेदन अदालतहरु | 204012 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
9 | सर्वोच्च अदालत (प्रशासनिक खर्च समेत) | 204011 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |
10 | सर्वोच्च अदालत | 204001 | Constitutional Bodies | supreme court | P1 | General Administration | Neutral | Peace Justice and Strong Institution | Neutral | Neutral |